[Raven - ECW Television - January 7, 1995]
Styles: Well, Mr. Richards or Polo or Flamingo or Stevie "The Body", whatever you wanna call yourself. Last week here on Extreme Championship Wrestling, you claimed that you would produce Johnny Polo. I've been here all day. He's not here.
Richards: Let me tell you something Joey Styles. This is the most exciting day of my life. This, nothing compares to this. Not Haleys Comet. Not the assassination of J.F.K. Not even the signing of the U.S. constitution. This is the biggest day in the history of Extreme Championship Wrestling, and Joey Styles, I am a man of my word. Of course I am not going to produce Johnny Polo.
Styles: I KNEW IT, I knew it. See, you couldn't find him. He's gone. He's history. He left the sport...
Richards: No, no, no. I am not going to produce Scotty Flamingo. I am not going to produce Scotty The Body. You see, my man, the man I'm bringing out tonight was very upset. He had to give up a double date with Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam just to be here tonight. And you know who he's upset at Joey Styles?
Styles: Probably you for bothering him.
Richards: (Shakes head no) That little punk Tommy Dreamer. Now I hear a story about Tommy Dreamer touring Japan .
Styles: Ya, he's in Japan .
Richards: (interrupts) I think that's a bunch of B.S.
Styles: (interrupts) Oh He's In Japan!
Richards: I think he's back in Yonkers hiding, cause he knew my man was going to be here tonight. But lets not talk about Tommy Dreamer. Because as I said, January 7th, 1995 is a historical night for Extreme Championship Wrestling. And now Joey Styles.
Styles: It's about time. We've only got an hour you know.
Richards: I have as much time as I want. Now I'd like to give you punks out there, the debut. No, no not the debut, the birth...of...The Raven.
Styles: Raven? (Come Out & Play plays)
Richards: I told you, I told you Styles. I did tell you.
Raven: You suffered a minor set back last week.
Richards: yeah..
Raven: You know there are twelve year old kids in crack-filled Stupors. Parents are abusing their children. (smiles) We're all had that happen. Did you ever wake up with a stack of cardboard boxes for a pillow?
Richards: (Shakes head no) No, no.
Raven: And a newspaper for a blanket?
Richards: No.
Raven You do not let it happen again!!! I want elimination, by any means nexessary. (Richards agreeing) Quote the Raven. Nevermore.
Richards: Yes Scotty, I mean Johnny, I mean...Raven.
Raven: (points) Go.
[Raven - ECW Television - January 21, 1995]
"The pain...and the suffering...of a childhood lost. (camera moves to Raven on a swing). An empty swing, an empty promise. A broken dream, a broken home. It's strange, how laughter looks like crieing, with no sound & rain drops taste like tears, without the pain. Tommy Dreamer, you will relive, the turmoil & anguish of an uncertain youth. Quote the Raven, Nevermore." (back to empty swing).
ECW Television - Tommy Dreamer, The Pitbulls, and Cactus Jack vs. Raven, Stevie Richards, and The Dudleyz
[Pre match interview w/Joey Styles: Dreamer introduces Cactus as their replacement partner for Luna Vachon. Cactus then proceeds to insult Stevie Richards and the Dudleyz, then reaches Raven in his diatribe]
Cactus Jack: "Now this brings us to Raven. And as hard as I've tried, as much as I've searched my heart to try to find hatred in it, I can't! I can't! You see Joey, when I look at Raven it kind of reminds me of the old Bob Dylan song "Seeing the real you at last." There's no more Scotty Flamingo. There's no more Johnny Polo, just the real you at last. And I kind of dig his vibes. The Pearl Jam, the sexy girl, it may not make me the most popular guy in this arena but I'm gonna speak my mind and say, hey, I dig the guy. BANG! BANG!"
[Raven in ring speech towards Cactus Jack]
Raven: "Cactus Jack, I understand your pain. Cactus Jack, I feel your pain. When Vader dumped you on your head. Every single title shot you came oh so close to winning. Every time you should've beaten the world champion whether it was the Sandman, the Stinger or anyone else. You came oh so close yet so far. Cactus Jack, I can understand that kind of pain. I can feel that kind of pain! When you were betrayed by your mentor Terry Funk, you never had a chance to finish what you started. You never had a chance to finish that feud. When you were left by your best friend on the planet earth "Shane 'the Dean' Douglas ", never getting a chance to find out what might have been. What should have been! Cactus Jack, I truly understand your pain. I feel your pain."
[Raven does crucifix and match begins. Cactus never lays a hand on Raven and eventually stops Dreamer from pinning Raven, allowing Raven to get yet another victory over Dreamer].
ECW Television - Raven/Cactus Jack Backstage Promo
[Both are sitting down, with Raven at an elevated position to Cactus. During this time, Mick Foley was getting ready to leave ECW for one of the big two. At the time, it was thought he'd go to WCW, but he eventually joined WWF, which explains all the WCW references in his promos].
Raven: "Tommy Dreamer, the condition in which we left you in tonight was a result of your own selfishness. Years ago, you and I walked side by side, and when I needed you the most, you were not there. Now Cactus Jack needs you for a higher purpose and you're not there for him either. So now, Cactus Jack and I walk side by side as the true friends you and I should've been."
Cactus Jack: "Tommy, I hope you understand that you had to get hurt tonight because my words were not getting through to you. A show of force, unfortunately, became necessary. But I pity you Tommy, lying there in a weakened state because I didn't realize just how into your brain these hardcore fans had gotten into you. I took it for granted that one show of force would be enough. That you'd see the way and walk down the path of righteousness. So I don't blame you for the sins that they've committed. For the way they've clouded your mind. But Tommy, you had to be hurt. I don't think the people fully understand what I'm going through here. I don't think the people understand what crosses powerful people like us [looks at Raven] need to carry."
"You see Tommy, sometimes when the world, and you in particular, have got me down, I will turn the TV set to WTBS, turn the volume down, and let the basking rays of their good and moral programming ... rain all over me! And as I sit there, in a meditative state, awaiting my next move, awaiting my next challenge, I fell asleep Tommy, and woke up to realize that it had all come to pass. That all my suffering had been worth it! And not only had Tommy Dreamer become a member of World Championship Wrestling, he was their tag team champion!"
"But as I wipe the sleep from my eyes I realized it was not Tommy Dreamer holding those belts, they were exact REPLICAS! Tommy, How long do you think the higher minds at WCW were gonna wait for you? They are the big boys in our sport for a simple reason. When they see something the like, they go after it. And if they can't get it ... they'll create their own. But that very thought is the thing that keeps me going. You see Tommy, it's not all through for you. Because all the magic those minds can weave. You see what your mothers and fathers all told you about being anything you want in this world, well, it may not always be true most of the time. But in the magical land of WCW , you truly can be anything you wanna be! I've seen it all a hundred times Tommy. I've seen a tough Jewish kid from Brooklyn [looks at Raven] become a black man from Macon ! I've seen a farm kid from Nebraska become an overnight pop star sensation! I've seen a kid from New Hampshire become a Frenchman. And one particular wrestler who went through 5 different incarnations before finding himself heavyweight champion of the world. And though he may be that champion in an entirely different federation, I think if you ask him he would say it was the love, compassion, and monetary compensation he received while part of the WCW family that got him where he is today!" [Editor's Note - Cactus is talking about then WWF Champion Diesel aka Kevin Nash]
"I'm not going to underscore ECW because there are some dramatic changes that go on there as well. Oh, yeah. Take the Rotten brothers. Two naive kids with fake English accents suddenly becoming scarred for life mutant freaks! Where are they now? They don't even have a job. Take your beloved Mikey Whipwreck. Mikey Whipwreck went from one of the nicest people I'd ever met to a bumbling fool! You want a challenge in your life then I challenge you to have a meaningful ten word conversation with Mikey Whipwreck. It can't be done! He's had too many concussions! His brain has turned to jello and though it might be real cute now to root for underdog Mikey on his quest for the championship, but wait five years! When he can't hold a job, 30 year old Mikey. 40 year old Mikey. Senile old Mikey.And the ECW fans are causing his demise!"
"And then there's Tommy Dreamer, maybe the most stunning transformation of them all. A man on the helm of superstardom, a good looking kid, reduced to a blood thirsty, woman abusing person on a roller coaster trip straight to HELL! Unless I step in and save the day, but Tommy Dreamer you're making that very difficult and you better be thankful that Cactus Jack went through a transformation of his own. It wasn't WCW. It wasn't ECW. It was because one man [points at Raven] had the courage, the strength, and the compassion to open my eyes. And so I'm saying Tommy,the situation is more serious than you would assume. WCW is a proud organization with a reputation for family values and they can't afford to have a woman abusing man screwing up their tv syndication. So Tommy, time is of the essence not because I harbor any hatred towards you but much to the contrary, I love you man, can't you see that?!! And I'm trying to save your spiritual life, but you're making it so damn hard!"
"You want proof of what hardcore wrestling can do? And you ask me, well Cactus if you love the place so much why don't you go back? I can't Tommy. It's all over for me. I'm trying to save you. Can't you see that once ECW gets ahold of you for too long you become ruined merchandise. You're no longer marketable,they don't want a scarred freak like Cactus Jack with emotional baggage. And I don't deserve to be forgiven for the insensitive comments I made to Mr. Turner. For the foolish behavior I showed to my dearest Uncle Eric, I deserve to deal on this hell on earth you call ECW. So Tommy, they tell us we got a match October 28. I don't think so! Because I'm counting on your knowledge and just one little bit of common sense to prevail and understand that we're the only friends you've got. [Looks at Raven] It's not those people chanting for your blood. [Raven does crucifix pose] It's these two people praying for your soul. Grant me that serenity, Tommy Dreamer. GRANT IT!"
[Promo ends with shot of Raven doing the crucifix].
ECW Television - Pulp Fiction Montage - Cactus Jack/Raven Promo
[Promo starts out with Cactus by himself]
Cactus Jack: "I guess it's all true. I tried to believe it wouldn't, but maybe in my heart, I know it's true. You're really gonna bring him here. The one man that you know can step into my path to righteousness and my final resting place. You threw a big obstacle at me, Tommy. And I'm gonna have to hope that I have enough love for the both of us because apparently you've got no love or respect for yourself. Because the fact is Terry Funk makes me do things that I don't want to do and makes me the kind of man ... THAT I DON'T WANT TO BE ANYMORE!" [Scene cuts to Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk and Funk says, "I'm back Cactus!" then cuts back to Cactus Jack]
"Well, Funk, I spit on your memory and I spit on your family! And when you bring that pathetic son of yours, that gutless coward I guarantee you that I will spit him in the face. Because Terry Funk, you can't stop me on the road to my kingdom. You can't stop the wheels that have already been set in motion. The only thing that you're gonna do ... is guarantee that your protege Tommy Dreamer suffers a horrible fate. Forget about the WCW, Tommy! Because you've gone too far and now you've got to pay! God damn you, Terry Funk." [Raven walks into scene]
Raven: [whispers] "We were on the verge of something very brilliant." [Jack then falls on his knees and starts crying].
Raven: "Look at this pain, look at this torment. Tommy, why must you do this? After what you've put me through years ago, I finally find someone who would stand beside me. And look at the anguish you cause him. This man does not deserve this like you. Why do you do this to me Tommy Dreamer?! Why can't you just let it alone? And maybe Raven has found a little solace. And Terry Funk, you're a decrepid old fossil. However, your legendary status is also meaningless. Because I am Raven. I will put you through a table and I will bash your brains in. But it really doesn't matter. Because Cactus Jack does not need my help. Cactus Jack will annihilate you Tommy Dreamer. He will annihilate you. HE WILL ANNIHILATE YOU! And all the pain I've suffered all these years when you left me when you should've been standing beside me will be vindicated. Cactus Jack you will do for me, what I should've done years ago, you will vanquish Tommy Dreamer. Quote the Raven ... Nevermore."
[Promo ends with shot of Raven doing the crucifix and Cactus Jack laughing insanely]
ECW Television - Tommy Dreamer vs. Cactus Jack
[In the middle of the match Raven grabs a mic]
Raven: "Cactus, finish him there, finish him off!"
[Dreamer kicks out]
Raven: "Cactus, finish him there once and for all. Finish him right THERE! Cactus, end this, end this now. Finish Dreamer OFF!"
[Dreamer kicks out again]
Raven: "Cactus, pick up, pick up the chair, Cactus. Listen to me, Jack. I'm there for you, Jack. [Cactus hesitates] Pick ... up ... the chair. Use the chair, Jack. [Raven hands him the chair] Finish him off once and for all!"
[Dreamer then hits Cactus with a chair, DDT's him on it, and pins him for the win. Raven runs in and they beat Dreamer down]
ECW Television - Cactus Jack/Raven/Beulah/Mikey Whipwreck Backstage Promo
[Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck have just won the tag titles and Jack is bringing the belts and Mikey to Raven for his acceptance]
Cactus Jack: [excitedly] "Mikey was in there, Scorpio had a total beat down on him, but Mikey kept kicking out, kicking out. Big fiery comeback and in comes Cactus Jack and BINGO! DDT! I bet that was an Excedrin headache number 9! So here he is, I brought him before you. We've got all the gold. I brought them before you to kneel at your altar of pain."
Raven: "Jack, I don't want him. Mick, he's worthless!"
Cactus Jack: "What about the guts?"
Raven: "What guts?"
Cactus Jack: "The fire!"
Raven: "He's a piece of garbage!"
Cactus Jack: "The pizazz! He's a great white babyface! We need this kid! He's great!"
Beulah McGillicutty: "Woman couldn't make him a man. But I could."
[Raven moves her out of the way]
Cactus Jack: "The fire? Pizazz? Heart?"
Mikey: [To Cactus] "You know, I'm not too happy about being with you, [To Raven] but I'm sure as hell NOT gonna be with you." [Mikey walks away]
Cactus Jack: "Guts? Fire?"
Raven: "Jack, why would you bring someone before me ..."
Cactus Jack: "FIRE!"
Raven: "He's not ready to be before me ..."
Cactus Jack: "PIZAZZ!"
[Raven violently shoves Cactus Jack]
Cactus Jack: [While laughing insanely] "GUTS!"
[Raven shoves him again 3 times while Jack keeps laughing insanely]
Cactus Jack: "Nice white babyface keeps on kicking out!"
Raven: "Are you stupid Jack?!"
Cactus Jack: "No, we've got a balloting going on next week, just play along."
Raven: "Jack, don't ever fail me."
[Cactus gets serious and promo ends with an intense staredown between them]
Styles: Well, Mr. Richards or Polo or Flamingo or Stevie "The Body", whatever you wanna call yourself. Last week here on Extreme Championship Wrestling, you claimed that you would produce Johnny Polo. I've been here all day. He's not here.
Richards: Let me tell you something Joey Styles. This is the most exciting day of my life. This, nothing compares to this. Not Haleys Comet. Not the assassination of J.F.K. Not even the signing of the U.S. constitution. This is the biggest day in the history of Extreme Championship Wrestling, and Joey Styles, I am a man of my word. Of course I am not going to produce Johnny Polo.
Styles: I KNEW IT, I knew it. See, you couldn't find him. He's gone. He's history. He left the sport...
Richards: No, no, no. I am not going to produce Scotty Flamingo. I am not going to produce Scotty The Body. You see, my man, the man I'm bringing out tonight was very upset. He had to give up a double date with Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam just to be here tonight. And you know who he's upset at Joey Styles?
Styles: Probably you for bothering him.
Richards: (Shakes head no) That little punk Tommy Dreamer. Now I hear a story about Tommy Dreamer touring Japan .
Styles: Ya, he's in Japan .
Richards: (interrupts) I think that's a bunch of B.S.
Styles: (interrupts) Oh He's In Japan!
Richards: I think he's back in Yonkers hiding, cause he knew my man was going to be here tonight. But lets not talk about Tommy Dreamer. Because as I said, January 7th, 1995 is a historical night for Extreme Championship Wrestling. And now Joey Styles.
Styles: It's about time. We've only got an hour you know.
Richards: I have as much time as I want. Now I'd like to give you punks out there, the debut. No, no not the debut, the birth...of...The Raven.
Styles: Raven? (Come Out & Play plays)
Richards: I told you, I told you Styles. I did tell you.
Raven: You suffered a minor set back last week.
Richards: yeah..
Raven: You know there are twelve year old kids in crack-filled Stupors. Parents are abusing their children. (smiles) We're all had that happen. Did you ever wake up with a stack of cardboard boxes for a pillow?
Richards: (Shakes head no) No, no.
Raven: And a newspaper for a blanket?
Richards: No.
Raven You do not let it happen again!!! I want elimination, by any means nexessary. (Richards agreeing) Quote the Raven. Nevermore.
Richards: Yes Scotty, I mean Johnny, I mean...Raven.
Raven: (points) Go.
[Raven - ECW Television - January 21, 1995]
"The pain...and the suffering...of a childhood lost. (camera moves to Raven on a swing). An empty swing, an empty promise. A broken dream, a broken home. It's strange, how laughter looks like crieing, with no sound & rain drops taste like tears, without the pain. Tommy Dreamer, you will relive, the turmoil & anguish of an uncertain youth. Quote the Raven, Nevermore." (back to empty swing).
ECW Television - Tommy Dreamer, The Pitbulls, and Cactus Jack vs. Raven, Stevie Richards, and The Dudleyz
[Pre match interview w/Joey Styles: Dreamer introduces Cactus as their replacement partner for Luna Vachon. Cactus then proceeds to insult Stevie Richards and the Dudleyz, then reaches Raven in his diatribe]
Cactus Jack: "Now this brings us to Raven. And as hard as I've tried, as much as I've searched my heart to try to find hatred in it, I can't! I can't! You see Joey, when I look at Raven it kind of reminds me of the old Bob Dylan song "Seeing the real you at last." There's no more Scotty Flamingo. There's no more Johnny Polo, just the real you at last. And I kind of dig his vibes. The Pearl Jam, the sexy girl, it may not make me the most popular guy in this arena but I'm gonna speak my mind and say, hey, I dig the guy. BANG! BANG!"
[Raven in ring speech towards Cactus Jack]
Raven: "Cactus Jack, I understand your pain. Cactus Jack, I feel your pain. When Vader dumped you on your head. Every single title shot you came oh so close to winning. Every time you should've beaten the world champion whether it was the Sandman, the Stinger or anyone else. You came oh so close yet so far. Cactus Jack, I can understand that kind of pain. I can feel that kind of pain! When you were betrayed by your mentor Terry Funk, you never had a chance to finish what you started. You never had a chance to finish that feud. When you were left by your best friend on the planet earth "Shane 'the Dean' Douglas ", never getting a chance to find out what might have been. What should have been! Cactus Jack, I truly understand your pain. I feel your pain."
[Raven does crucifix and match begins. Cactus never lays a hand on Raven and eventually stops Dreamer from pinning Raven, allowing Raven to get yet another victory over Dreamer].
ECW Television - Raven/Cactus Jack Backstage Promo
[Both are sitting down, with Raven at an elevated position to Cactus. During this time, Mick Foley was getting ready to leave ECW for one of the big two. At the time, it was thought he'd go to WCW, but he eventually joined WWF, which explains all the WCW references in his promos].
Raven: "Tommy Dreamer, the condition in which we left you in tonight was a result of your own selfishness. Years ago, you and I walked side by side, and when I needed you the most, you were not there. Now Cactus Jack needs you for a higher purpose and you're not there for him either. So now, Cactus Jack and I walk side by side as the true friends you and I should've been."
Cactus Jack: "Tommy, I hope you understand that you had to get hurt tonight because my words were not getting through to you. A show of force, unfortunately, became necessary. But I pity you Tommy, lying there in a weakened state because I didn't realize just how into your brain these hardcore fans had gotten into you. I took it for granted that one show of force would be enough. That you'd see the way and walk down the path of righteousness. So I don't blame you for the sins that they've committed. For the way they've clouded your mind. But Tommy, you had to be hurt. I don't think the people fully understand what I'm going through here. I don't think the people understand what crosses powerful people like us [looks at Raven] need to carry."
"You see Tommy, sometimes when the world, and you in particular, have got me down, I will turn the TV set to WTBS, turn the volume down, and let the basking rays of their good and moral programming ... rain all over me! And as I sit there, in a meditative state, awaiting my next move, awaiting my next challenge, I fell asleep Tommy, and woke up to realize that it had all come to pass. That all my suffering had been worth it! And not only had Tommy Dreamer become a member of World Championship Wrestling, he was their tag team champion!"
"But as I wipe the sleep from my eyes I realized it was not Tommy Dreamer holding those belts, they were exact REPLICAS! Tommy, How long do you think the higher minds at WCW were gonna wait for you? They are the big boys in our sport for a simple reason. When they see something the like, they go after it. And if they can't get it ... they'll create their own. But that very thought is the thing that keeps me going. You see Tommy, it's not all through for you. Because all the magic those minds can weave. You see what your mothers and fathers all told you about being anything you want in this world, well, it may not always be true most of the time. But in the magical land of WCW , you truly can be anything you wanna be! I've seen it all a hundred times Tommy. I've seen a tough Jewish kid from Brooklyn [looks at Raven] become a black man from Macon ! I've seen a farm kid from Nebraska become an overnight pop star sensation! I've seen a kid from New Hampshire become a Frenchman. And one particular wrestler who went through 5 different incarnations before finding himself heavyweight champion of the world. And though he may be that champion in an entirely different federation, I think if you ask him he would say it was the love, compassion, and monetary compensation he received while part of the WCW family that got him where he is today!" [Editor's Note - Cactus is talking about then WWF Champion Diesel aka Kevin Nash]
"I'm not going to underscore ECW because there are some dramatic changes that go on there as well. Oh, yeah. Take the Rotten brothers. Two naive kids with fake English accents suddenly becoming scarred for life mutant freaks! Where are they now? They don't even have a job. Take your beloved Mikey Whipwreck. Mikey Whipwreck went from one of the nicest people I'd ever met to a bumbling fool! You want a challenge in your life then I challenge you to have a meaningful ten word conversation with Mikey Whipwreck. It can't be done! He's had too many concussions! His brain has turned to jello and though it might be real cute now to root for underdog Mikey on his quest for the championship, but wait five years! When he can't hold a job, 30 year old Mikey. 40 year old Mikey. Senile old Mikey.And the ECW fans are causing his demise!"
"And then there's Tommy Dreamer, maybe the most stunning transformation of them all. A man on the helm of superstardom, a good looking kid, reduced to a blood thirsty, woman abusing person on a roller coaster trip straight to HELL! Unless I step in and save the day, but Tommy Dreamer you're making that very difficult and you better be thankful that Cactus Jack went through a transformation of his own. It wasn't WCW. It wasn't ECW. It was because one man [points at Raven] had the courage, the strength, and the compassion to open my eyes. And so I'm saying Tommy,the situation is more serious than you would assume. WCW is a proud organization with a reputation for family values and they can't afford to have a woman abusing man screwing up their tv syndication. So Tommy, time is of the essence not because I harbor any hatred towards you but much to the contrary, I love you man, can't you see that?!! And I'm trying to save your spiritual life, but you're making it so damn hard!"
"You want proof of what hardcore wrestling can do? And you ask me, well Cactus if you love the place so much why don't you go back? I can't Tommy. It's all over for me. I'm trying to save you. Can't you see that once ECW gets ahold of you for too long you become ruined merchandise. You're no longer marketable,they don't want a scarred freak like Cactus Jack with emotional baggage. And I don't deserve to be forgiven for the insensitive comments I made to Mr. Turner. For the foolish behavior I showed to my dearest Uncle Eric, I deserve to deal on this hell on earth you call ECW. So Tommy, they tell us we got a match October 28. I don't think so! Because I'm counting on your knowledge and just one little bit of common sense to prevail and understand that we're the only friends you've got. [Looks at Raven] It's not those people chanting for your blood. [Raven does crucifix pose] It's these two people praying for your soul. Grant me that serenity, Tommy Dreamer. GRANT IT!"
[Promo ends with shot of Raven doing the crucifix].
ECW Television - Pulp Fiction Montage - Cactus Jack/Raven Promo
[Promo starts out with Cactus by himself]
Cactus Jack: "I guess it's all true. I tried to believe it wouldn't, but maybe in my heart, I know it's true. You're really gonna bring him here. The one man that you know can step into my path to righteousness and my final resting place. You threw a big obstacle at me, Tommy. And I'm gonna have to hope that I have enough love for the both of us because apparently you've got no love or respect for yourself. Because the fact is Terry Funk makes me do things that I don't want to do and makes me the kind of man ... THAT I DON'T WANT TO BE ANYMORE!" [Scene cuts to Tommy Dreamer and Terry Funk and Funk says, "I'm back Cactus!" then cuts back to Cactus Jack]
"Well, Funk, I spit on your memory and I spit on your family! And when you bring that pathetic son of yours, that gutless coward I guarantee you that I will spit him in the face. Because Terry Funk, you can't stop me on the road to my kingdom. You can't stop the wheels that have already been set in motion. The only thing that you're gonna do ... is guarantee that your protege Tommy Dreamer suffers a horrible fate. Forget about the WCW, Tommy! Because you've gone too far and now you've got to pay! God damn you, Terry Funk." [Raven walks into scene]
Raven: [whispers] "We were on the verge of something very brilliant." [Jack then falls on his knees and starts crying].
Raven: "Look at this pain, look at this torment. Tommy, why must you do this? After what you've put me through years ago, I finally find someone who would stand beside me. And look at the anguish you cause him. This man does not deserve this like you. Why do you do this to me Tommy Dreamer?! Why can't you just let it alone? And maybe Raven has found a little solace. And Terry Funk, you're a decrepid old fossil. However, your legendary status is also meaningless. Because I am Raven. I will put you through a table and I will bash your brains in. But it really doesn't matter. Because Cactus Jack does not need my help. Cactus Jack will annihilate you Tommy Dreamer. He will annihilate you. HE WILL ANNIHILATE YOU! And all the pain I've suffered all these years when you left me when you should've been standing beside me will be vindicated. Cactus Jack you will do for me, what I should've done years ago, you will vanquish Tommy Dreamer. Quote the Raven ... Nevermore."
[Promo ends with shot of Raven doing the crucifix and Cactus Jack laughing insanely]
ECW Television - Tommy Dreamer vs. Cactus Jack
[In the middle of the match Raven grabs a mic]
Raven: "Cactus, finish him there, finish him off!"
[Dreamer kicks out]
Raven: "Cactus, finish him there once and for all. Finish him right THERE! Cactus, end this, end this now. Finish Dreamer OFF!"
[Dreamer kicks out again]
Raven: "Cactus, pick up, pick up the chair, Cactus. Listen to me, Jack. I'm there for you, Jack. [Cactus hesitates] Pick ... up ... the chair. Use the chair, Jack. [Raven hands him the chair] Finish him off once and for all!"
[Dreamer then hits Cactus with a chair, DDT's him on it, and pins him for the win. Raven runs in and they beat Dreamer down]
ECW Television - Cactus Jack/Raven/Beulah/Mikey Whipwreck Backstage Promo
[Cactus Jack and Mikey Whipwreck have just won the tag titles and Jack is bringing the belts and Mikey to Raven for his acceptance]
Cactus Jack: [excitedly] "Mikey was in there, Scorpio had a total beat down on him, but Mikey kept kicking out, kicking out. Big fiery comeback and in comes Cactus Jack and BINGO! DDT! I bet that was an Excedrin headache number 9! So here he is, I brought him before you. We've got all the gold. I brought them before you to kneel at your altar of pain."
Raven: "Jack, I don't want him. Mick, he's worthless!"
Cactus Jack: "What about the guts?"
Raven: "What guts?"
Cactus Jack: "The fire!"
Raven: "He's a piece of garbage!"
Cactus Jack: "The pizazz! He's a great white babyface! We need this kid! He's great!"
Beulah McGillicutty: "Woman couldn't make him a man. But I could."
[Raven moves her out of the way]
Cactus Jack: "The fire? Pizazz? Heart?"
Mikey: [To Cactus] "You know, I'm not too happy about being with you, [To Raven] but I'm sure as hell NOT gonna be with you." [Mikey walks away]
Cactus Jack: "Guts? Fire?"
Raven: "Jack, why would you bring someone before me ..."
Cactus Jack: "FIRE!"
Raven: "He's not ready to be before me ..."
Cactus Jack: "PIZAZZ!"
[Raven violently shoves Cactus Jack]
Cactus Jack: [While laughing insanely] "GUTS!"
[Raven shoves him again 3 times while Jack keeps laughing insanely]
Cactus Jack: "Nice white babyface keeps on kicking out!"
Raven: "Are you stupid Jack?!"
Cactus Jack: "No, we've got a balloting going on next week, just play along."
Raven: "Jack, don't ever fail me."
[Cactus gets serious and promo ends with an intense staredown between them]